Distributing With Packages

Question: “Which ReportBuilder packages do I need to distribute with my applications? I am using the Delphi ‘build run-time packages’ option.”

Here is a list of the common ReportBuilder run-time packages. The xy suffix in the package names below will vary by ReportBuilder version and Delphi version.

 Name Description 
 rbRCLxy Report Components
 rbIDExy Report Designer and supporting dialogs
 rbDBxy Adds TDataset support for pipelines
 rbCIDExy Crosstab visual interface
 rbCTxy Crosstab engine
 rbRIDExy RAP visual interface
 rbRAPxy RAP code engine
 rbDBDExy BDE support for Data Access Development Environment
 rbDADxy DADE SQL generator
 rbDIDExy DADE visual interface
 rbBDExy BDE data access components
 rbUSERxy Sample report components (checkbox)
 rbTDBCxy Data-aware TeeChart wrapper










There are also packages for the DADE plug-ins, if the application is using DADE. The proper package can be located in your installation of RB in the ..\RBuilder\Demos\End-User Databases directory.

Notice that the visual interfaces are broken out into separate packages. This is useful if you don’t provide the visual designer to the end user.  The engine behind the interface is all that is needed to be included in the runtime packages list. For example, if you have built crosstab reports into the application, but the end user will never design a report, then you’ll only need to include the crosstab engine (rbCTxy) while excluding the crosstab visual interface (rbCIDExy) package.