RB 7 and WP Tools

ReportBuilder 7 no longer includes the global ppParentWnd due to modifications required for thread-safety.

You have two choices:

  1. Modify TWPCustomRichTextForPP (or create a descendant class). Override the CreateParams as shown below. CreateParams is a protected method of TWinControl. (note: This is the approach that RB uses so that RichText can be thread-safe for RB Server.)
    procedure TWPCustomRichTextForPP.CreateParams(var Params:
      inherited CreateParams(Params);
      {remove ws-child so that no parent window is required}
      Params.Style := Params.Style and not(WS_CHILD);
    end; {procedure, CreateParams}
  2. Create an invisble form and use that as the parent. (Note: This is not thread-safe).