How To…Implement Custom Open/Save events


“How can I implement custom processing when reports are loaded/saved?”


The following example shows how to implement the Designer OnOpenDoc and OnSaveDoc events to either override or augment the built-in save/load logic. When the OnCustomOpenDoc, OnCustomSaveDoc events are assigned, the report designer will not save or load any reports – it will instead fire the events and your event-handler code will be responsible for taking appropriate action.


Sample Delphi code:

procedure TForm1.ppDesigner1CustomOpenDoc(Sender: TObject);

  // This example displays a message and then loads the template

  // Template.Decription is a convenience property that return either
  //   -  Template.FileName for a file based template
  //  -   Template.DatabaseSettings.Name for a database template
  ShowMessage('CustomOpenDoc: ' + ppReport1.Template.Description);

  // Template.Load is a convenience method that calls either
  //   -  Template.LoadFromFile for a file based template
  //  -   Template.LoadFromDatabase for a database template
  ppReport1.Template.Load; // could do something different here


procedure TForm1.ppDesigner1CustomSaveDoc(Sender: TObject);

  // This example displays a message and then saves the template

  // Template.Decription is a property that return either
  //   -  Template.FileName for a file based template
  //  -   Template.DatabaseSettings.Name for a database template
  ShowMessage('CustomSaveDoc: ' + ppReport1.Template.Description);

  // Template.Save is a convenience method that calls either
  //   -  Template.SaveFromFile for a file based template
  //  -   Template.SaveFromDatabase for a database template
  ppReport1.Template.Save;  // could do something different here
