Tech Tip: Installing RB Help 2
The ReportBuilder installation process installs the ReportBuilder help files and merges them with Delphi’s Help system.
Delphi 2005 and later use MS Help 2. MS Help 2 is used by Visual Studio and the MSDN Library as well. MS Help 2 is very different from WinHelp in that it is HTML based and requires a minimum of IE 5.0 to run. If you would like more information on what MS Help 2 is and how to use it correctly, visit
ReportBuilder includes a utility called RBHelpInstaller.exe that can be used to manually install or uninstall the RB Help files. Use Windows Explorer to browse to the ..\RBuilder\Help directory and double-click the RBHelpInstaller.exe. A screen will be displayed that enables you to install or uninstall the RB Help from Delphi’s Help system.