Tech Tip: Installing RB TeeChart Support

Tech Tip: Installing RB TeeChart Support

The ReportBuilder installation process builds and installs the RB TeeChart packages to work with the version of TeeChart you have installed on your machine.

Most Delphi distributions include a free version of TeeChart, a popular charting component published and sold by Steema,

ReportBuilder includes TeeChart wrapper components that enable TeeChart to be used within the Report Designer.

RB TeeChart Package Builder

The RB TeeChart Package Builder (rbTeePackBuilder.exe) is a utility used to build and install the RB TeeChart.packages and .dcu’s required to support the version of TeeChart installed on your machine. This utility is used by the RB installation program. Use this utility to rebuild the RB TeeChart binaries any time you install a different version of TeeChart.

Directions for use:

  1. Close Delphi. (Always shut down Delphi prior to running the utility).
  2. Use Windows Explorer to locate the RBuilder\TeeChart. directory.
  3. Launch the RB TeeChart Package Builder by right-clicking rbTeePackBuilder.exe and selecting “Run as Administrator”.
  4. Select the Delphi version from the combo box at the top left.
  5. Verify the Environment Information displayed in the upper half of the screen. (The Environment Information is determined by reading the Windows Registry).
  6. Press the “Build and Install” button at the top left of the window. This will launch a Build and Install process that executes from the command prompt.
  7. Review the command line output displayed in the bottom half of the screen.
  8. Launch Delphi.
  9. Use the Component | Install Packages dialog to review the RB installed packages and adjust as needed. Prior to closing the dialog, select the Default checkbox at the lower left. Close the dialog and then close Delphi.