Delphi 10 Seattle support for VCL Win32 Delphi 10 Seattle support for VCL Win64 Demos and Tutorials new RBDemos database (SQLite version of DBDemos) new RBDemos FireDAC Connection De installed to Delphi IDE new Converted RB Demos to FireDAC, SQLite RBDemos database new Converted RB Tutorials to FireDAC SQLite RBDemos database REST Service Components New Full Article…
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Troubleshooting… Outlook 365
The following article provides steps to take if the default Simple MAPI email plugin stops working with the latest version(s) of Outlook or Windows Live Mail. Please follow the steps below to resolve most issues. 1. Download, open, and run the example below on a machine with Outlook or Windows Live Mail as the Full Article…
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TECH TIP: Configuring the WebTier to Use HTTPS Configuring the WebTier to use HTTPS can be accomplished using one of the options listed below. Options: 1. Use the Delphi Object Inspector to configure the properties 2. Configure the WebTier.IniSettings to load the https params from an .ini file 3. Use the web module OnCreate event Full Article…