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Viewing 301 to 303 of 409 items

How To…Fill Space After the Last Column

Question “Once my columns have finished printing on a page, how can I fill the remaining space to the bottom of the page?” Solution Use a group footer band to fill the space.  Inside the GroopFooterBand.BeforePrint event, check the remaining space on the page and resize the band to match that size. Download: Sample  Full Article…


How To…Create Header and Footer Columns

Question “How can I create a header column (to the left) and a footer column (to the right) of my column data?” Solution Use the group header and group footer bands as the header and footer columns.  Place a region in each band and size them to roughly the length of the page.  These will  Full Article…


How To…Create Conditional Columns

Question “How can I show multiple columns in certain cases, then revert back to a single column in other cases in the same report?” Solution Use x number of child subreports to act as each column, and a single full width subreport to act as the single column.  Then toggle the visibility of each subreport  Full Article…