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How To…Align Memo Bottoms

Question “How can I align the bottoms of two stretching memos?” Solution This example contains a report with two stretching Memos inside a Region. Region.KeepTogether is set to True. The Memo OnDrawCommandCreate event is used to obtain a reference to the DrawCommand object that is created each time the object generates on the page. The Detail  Full Article…


Displaying Boolean Field Values

Formatting boolean data fields with ReportBuilder can be performed using either of the following techniques: Specify a value for the TppDBText.DisplayFormat property. Example: DBText1.DisplayFormat := ‘True;False’; Specify a value for the TField.DisplayValues property of the dataset. Example: TField1.DisplayValues := ‘Yes;No;’ Note: If you have TField.DisplayValues assigned, please do not assign DBText.DisplayFormat.


Currency Formatting

Currently when formatting currency display formats, ReportBuilder internally calls FloatToStrF with a ffCurrency paramter. This honors the Windows currency settings. There are two ways to override this behavior: Create a Descendant of TppDisplayFormat See ppDisplayFormat.pas. You can easily create a descendant of TppDisplayFormat and specify that your TmyDisplayFormat be used by ReportBuilder to perform formatting.  Full Article…