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Currency Formatting

Currently when formatting currency display formats, ReportBuilder internally calls FloatToStrF with a ffCurrency paramter. This honors the Windows currency settings. There are two ways to override this behavior: Create a Descendant of TppDisplayFormat See ppDisplayFormat.pas. You can easily create a descendant of TppDisplayFormat and specify that your TmyDisplayFormat be used by ReportBuilder to perform formatting.  Full Article…


How To…Change the existing display formats

Question “How do I change the current display formats provided with ReportBuilder (or add new display formats)?” Solution The built-in display formats are defined in the GetDisplayFormats routine of the TppDisplayFormat class inside the ppDisplayFormat.pas file. Descending from this class gives you the opportunity to replace these values as well as customize the way ReportBuilder  Full Article…



The various toolbars accessible from the design workspace are documented in this section. The toolbars are dockable and follow the Office97 interface style. The Toolbars are accessible from the View | Toolbars menu option of the Report Designer or by right-clicking on the docking area at the top of the Report Designer. The Report Tree  Full Article…