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How To…Format Text With Ellipse

Question “How can I append a ‘…’ to the end of text that is too wide to fit the bounds of a control?” Solution ReportBuilder 12 introduced the TppCustomText.Ellipsis property to automatically truncate text too wide to fit in a given area.  Below is an example of performing this task for versions earlier than RB  Full Article…


How To…Draw a Line After Last Detail

Question “How can I draw a horizontal line after the last detail band on each page?” Solution The solution is to use the DetailBand AfterPrint event to track the page position and then use the Report EndPage event to add a DrawComamnd to the Page.   Download: Sample Delphi code: uses ppTypes, ppUtils, ppDrwCmd;  Full Article…


How To…AutoSize Font to One Page

Question “How can I shrink the font to force the report to produce a single page?” Solution This example contains a pre-processing step that generates the report pages to a dummy output device. If more than one page is produced, then the font size is adjusted. Following the pre-processing step, Report.Print is called to generate the report to  Full Article…