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How To…Fill a Page With Lines

Question “How can I fill the remaining space of a page with lines after the last detail has printed?” Solution Use a group to keep track of the position of the last detail band on a page.  The GroupFooterBand.AfterPrint event can be used to mark the position. The Report.OnEndPage event can then be used to  Full Article…


Event Tracker

Question:  “How can I understand when the various report events occur?” Answer:  Check out Demos 141 – 148 in the main reports demo app. These ‘event tracker’ demos show visually the sequence of various events. Page back and forth in the previewer to see what happens from page to page. You can easily create additional Event  Full Article…


SummaryCalc OnGroup Totals

TECH TIP: Calculating a Summary based on Group Totals Question: “I am using a Variable in the Group Footer to conditionally calculate totals for each group. I want to add a second Variable to the Summary that accumulates the results calculated for each group.” The following example uses two Variable components: vCustomerTotal and vCustomerSummary. The variable  Full Article…