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Aggregate Fields

Using Aggregate Fields With TClientDataSet Delphi’s TClientDataSet provides support for aggregate fields. In the current implementation the IsNull function of the TAggregateField returns True unless the dataset is on the first record. This is problematic since ReportBuilder relies on the IsNUll function to determine whether field value is valid. Therefore, a work around is required  Full Article…


How To…Use Bookmarks With TextPipeline

Question “How can I use the TextPipeline to print only specific records or apply a filter?” Solution This example shows how to add a list of Bookmarks to the TextPipeline to control which records print. All DataPipelines support bookmarking and bookmark list data traveral. When bookmarks are added to a datapipeline, it will traverse only  Full Article…


How To…Dyanmically Configure a TextPipeline

Question “How can I dynamically create and configure a TextPipeline to print from data that I generate at runtime?” Solution This example first generates a text file containing sample data, then dynamically creates and configures a TextPipeline to access the text file. Download: Sample Delphi code: {——————————————————————————} { TForm1.FormCreate } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var  Full Article…