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How To…Deploy to Apache

Question “How can I deploy the WebTier to Apache?” Deploying the WebTier on Apache The following is a supplement to the Server Edition Developer’s Guide, installed to …RBServer\Developer’s Guide\RBServer.pdf.  This document provides a step-by-step tutorial which shows how to implement the web tier as part of an Apache Shared Module. The web tier acts as  Full Article…


Homegrown IntraWeb

TECH TIP: ReportBuilder and IntraWeb Have you considered using ReportBuilder Server Edition to implement the reporting part of you web app? You could still use IntraWeb for the rest of the app. That could save many hours of development time and provide a higher performance, higher quality web reporting solution. Live Demo: Features:  Full Article…


Export Formats

TECH TIP: Adding WebTier Export Formats Question:  “The web report viewer included with RB Server Edition includes support for exporting reports to PDF format.  Is it possible to add export formats to the web report viewer?” Solution: Yes, the web report viewer can be extended to support additional formats. There is an example of adding  Full Article…