Question “How do I create a DataPipeline in code?” Solution Datapipelines can easily be created dynamically in code by assigning a few key properties. Create the TppDBPipeline object: FDataPipeline := TppDBPipeline.Create(Self); Give the pipeline a recognizable name. FDataPipeline.Name := ‘plCustomers’; FDataPipeline.UserName := ‘Customers’; Assign the DataSource property. FDataPipeline.DataSource := dsCustomers; Assign any other properties you Full Article…
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How To…Check For Data Before Printing
Question “How do I check if there is data to be retrieved before printing my report?” Solution Check the TppDataPipeline.EOF and TppDataPipeline.BOF properties. If both of these properties are True, the dataset contains no data. Note that the datapipeline will need to be opened to successfully access these properties. Download: Sample Delphi code: function Full Article…
Display MasterFieldLinks Editor
TECH TIP: Display DataPipeline.MasterFieldLinks Editor in code uses ppForms, ppFLnkEd; procedure TForm1.DisplayFieldLInkEditor; var lFormClass : TFormClass; lFieldLinkEd: TppCustomMasterFieldLinkEditor; begin {the detail pipeline's masterdatapipeline property needs to be set prior to using the field link editor} if (myDetailPipeline.MasterDataPipeline = nil) then myDetailPipeline.MasterDataPipeline := myMasterPipeline; {get the registered field link editor class} lFormClass := ppGetFormClass(TppCustomMasterFieldLinkEditor); {create the Full Article…