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How To…Search Between a Date and 6 Months Prior

Question “How can I search on a specified date and 6 months prior?” Solution Use the Query Designer to build a query that contains two search criteria on the Date. Use the <= and >= operators. Designate the first criteria as AutoSearch and use SQLBuilder to modify the second criteria at runtime. Download: Sample  Full Article…


How To…Apply Single AutoSearch to Multiple Queries

Question “How can I define a single autosearch parameter and apply it to multiple queries?” Solution Implement the Report.BeforeOpenDataPipelines event and use SQLBuilder to apply the AutoSearch value to additional queries. Download: Sample RAP code: procedure ReportBeforeOpenDataPipelines; var lSQLBuilder: TdaSQLBuilder; begin {create SQLBuilder – pass the Customer2 datapipeline to the constructor} lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(Customer2); if (Report.AutoSearchFields[0].ShowAllValues) then  Full Article…


Custom Designers

Data Designers descend from TdaCustomDataWizard which is defined in daDataWizard.pas. The TdaCustomDataWizard class defines a class function called DataViewClass that should be overriden by descendants classes to specify the DataView class for which the data designer is implemented. The daRegisterWizard and daUnRegisterWizard procedures defined in daDataWizard.pas are used to register and unregister Data Designers with  Full Article…