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CGI Not supported

The WebTier cannot be used to implement a CGI application. The WebTier is designed to support ISAPI, ASP, or Apache Shared Modules. Examples are installed to RBServer\Demos\WebTier. Each example includes a ReadMe.doc. The demos also include an example of using the WebTier in a Delphi WebBroker WebDebugger application. This is recommended for debugging applications. CGI  Full Article…


Using Local Interbase

TECH TIP: RB Server and Local Interbase Local Interbase is a desktop database solution and has built-in connectivtiy limitations. One such limitation is that a Window Service application cannot connect to it unless the service application has permission to interact with the desktop. Therefore if you are running a report server application within the context  Full Article…


Server Error Messages

TECH TIP: Understanding Server Error Messages Exception messages prefixed with ‘Server Error’ imply that an error occurred on the server, rather than the client or web tier. When an error occurs on the Server, the exception is passed back to the client application and displayed in either an exception dialog box for a thin-client application  Full Article…