TECH TIP: Testing the ReportBuilder Services Auto-restart Feature If the report server application encounters an unhandled exception then it does the following: Writes the error to the log. Notifies RB Services that it has encountered a fatal exception. Halts execution. RB Services then starts a new report server application process. If you want to test Full Article…
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How To…Write to the Server Log
Question “How can write custom information to the server log?” Solution Use the Server.LogWriter object to write to the server log. The LogWriter has a WriteEvent method; see the example code for details on using this method. Download: Sample Delphi code: uses rsServer, rsServerLog; {TfrmServerMain.FormCreate – example of writing to server log from the Full Article…
How To…Use ReportModuleVolume Events
Question “I am registering form based reports with my report server. How can I use ReportModuleVolume event-handlers to control processing on the server?” Solution This example defines a TmyReportModuleVolumeController class that manages the ReportModuleVolume. The ReportModuleVolume is created implicitly by the report catalog when report forms are registered.The ReportModuleVolumeController reads the report volume instance from Full Article…