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How To…Write to the Server Log

Question “How can write custom information to the server log?” Solution Use the Server.LogWriter object to write to the server log. The LogWriter has a WriteEvent method; see the example code for details on using this method. Download: Sample Delphi code: uses rsServer, rsServerLog; {TfrmServerMain.FormCreate – example of writing to server log from the  Full Article…


How To…Use ReportModuleVolume Events

Question “I am registering form based reports with my report server. How can I use ReportModuleVolume event-handlers to control processing on the server?” Solution This example defines a TmyReportModuleVolumeController class that manages the ReportModuleVolume. The ReportModuleVolume is created implicitly by the report catalog when report forms are registered.The ReportModuleVolumeController reads the report volume instance from  Full Article…


How To…Thread-safe Logon Validation

Question “How can I perform thread-safe logon validation? I have defined a Server.SessionParameters for UserName and Password and am using the Server.OnValidateSessionParameters event. Solution The Server is a singleton. This example shows how use a Delphi TCriticalSection object to ensure thread safety. Download: Sample Delphi code: uses SyncObjs; {TForm1.FormCreate} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FLock  Full Article…