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RB 22

Packages New VersionInfo support (.res metadata) New PlatformTargets support for Delphi IDE (.res meta data) 32-bit and 64-bit Build w/run-time Packages support **Delphi 11.2 only Designer new ReportWizard enhancements to improve group layouts Preview new Thumbnails optimization to generate only when enabled PDF Component new LoadFromStream method new DataPipeline, DataField properties to allow binding to  Full Article…

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PDFComponent Fundamentals

Overview Use PDFComponent to embed a PDF document in a report. This component behaves like a section style subreport – starting on a new page and generating a report page for each PDF page. Key Properties PDFFileName – specifies PDF file PDFPassword – specifies password (if needed) PDF Reader This component requires a PDF Reader  Full Article…

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Data Matrix – GS1

ReportBuilder 22+ introduced the GS1 property which adds the FNC1 character automatically.  The article below applies to ReportBuilder 21- or if manual encoding is desired. ReportBuilder provides the tools necessary for the developer to support GS1 Data Matrix. There are two options for ASCII encoding of the Data Matrix component (TppDataMatrixSettings.EncodeType property): ASCII and ASCIIManual. ASCII  Full Article…

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