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Sever Edition and Enterprise

ReportBuilder Server and Enterprise Relationship ReportBuilder Server Edition currently includes a license to RB Enterprise and a license to RB Server. The Server Edition installation program installs two products: ReportBuilder 7 Enterprise – Installs to Delphi\RBuilder ReportBuilder 7 Server -Installs to Delphi\RBServer If you are upgrading from RB Enterprise, then the installation program will remove  Full Article…


How To…Control Session TimeOut

Question “How can I control session time out for my report server application?” Solution The Server and the WebTier both implement session management to speed performance. Sessions time out automatically due to inactivity. The following properties can be used to control session time out:    Name Description   TrsServer.TimeOut Specifies the time, in seconds, that a  Full Article…


Custom Parameters

TECH TIP: Overview of Custom Parameters Architecture I. SessionParameters Each time a client communicates with the server, the client must send the session id. Each time the server receives a client request, it authenticates the request. These are the possible cases: a. No session id specified or invalid session id specified Validate the session parameters  Full Article…