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Do I have to change all of my reports to get them to work on the server? No. But you do have to provide thread-safe containers for the database connection components needed by your reports. That may sound scary, but it’s really no big deal. The documentation for the Server Edition will include directions for  Full Article…



ReportBuilder Services ReportBuilder Services is a Windows service designed to act as a host to a report server application. This two-piece architecture isolates a report server application in its own process, allowing it to be started and stopped from the service. By default, the service is configured to start automatically each time the server machine  Full Article…


How To…ClientReport via HTTP

Question “How can I use the ClientReport and ClientReportExplorer over HTTP?” Solution 1. Setup a report server and webtier in the standard manner. 2. Configure the ClientReport.ServerConnection to connect to the WebTier over port 80. Sample Delphi code: begin myClientReport.ServerConnection.Address := ''; myClientReport.ServerConnection.Port := 80; myClientReportExplorer.Execute; end;