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How To…ClientReport via HTTP

Question “How can I use the ClientReport and ClientReportExplorer over HTTP?” Solution 1. Setup a report server and webtier in the standard manner. 2. Configure the ClientReport.ServerConnection to connect to the WebTier over port 80. Sample Delphi code: begin myClientReport.ServerConnection.Address := ''; myClientReport.ServerConnection.Port := 80; myClientReportExplorer.Execute; end;  


ClientReport Set Default AutoSearch Expression

TECH TIP: ClientReport – Default AutoSearch Expression The ClientReport.GetAutoSearchParameters method can be used to retrieve Report.AutoSearchFields[] fields from the report server. You can then assign the AutoSearchField.SearchExpression value and call the print method. As an example, add the following code to the RBServer\Demos\Clients\ClientReport example. {———————————————————-} procedure TfrmClientReport.btnPrintClick(Sender: TObject); begin {set the volume and report name}  Full Article…


ClientReport Custom AutoSearch

TECH TIP: ClentReport – Custom AutoSearch There are two approaches to customizing autosearch when using the ClientReport component. Customize the built-in autosearch dialog in the same manner as applies to a standard TppReport (see RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch\Custom AutoSearch Dialog). Use the ClientReport.OnReceiveAutoSearchFieldsEvent. This event fires when the client report receives autosearch fields from the server. In the  Full Article…