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RB RichText

TECH TIP: ReportBuilder’s RichText Architecture The RichText in ReportBuilder is a wrapper around Delphi’s TRichEdit which in turn relies on Windows. There are two versions of Windows richedit – RichEd32.dll is the older one and RichEd20.dll is a newer one (RichEd32 is being phased out). Delphi by default relies on RichEd32 – the older version.  Full Article…


RB 7 and WP Tools

ReportBuilder 7 no longer includes the global ppParentWnd due to modifications required for thread-safety. You have two choices: Modify TWPCustomRichTextForPP (or create a descendant class). Override the CreateParams as shown below. CreateParams is a protected method of TWinControl. (note: This is the approach that RB uses so that RichText can be thread-safe for RB Server.)  Full Article…


JIT RichText

TECH TIP: Using Delphi’s TRichEd with the JITPipeline The following function can be used to copy rtf data from a Delphi TRichEd to a Delphi String. Once you have the rtf data in a string you can return the value in the JITPipeline.OnGetFieldAsString and JITPipeline.OnGetFieldValue events. Note: you can define the JITPipeline’s Field.DataType as dtBlob,  Full Article…