TECH TIP: ReportBuilder JPEG Resolution RB relies on Delphi’s TJPEGImage for providing JPEG graphic support. There is a TppImage.DirectDraw property that enables RB to render a graphic in two different ways. When DirectDraw is True, the TJPEGImage renders itself directly to the screen/printer canvas. When DirectDraw is False, RB converts the TJPEGImage to a BMP Full Article…
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Image Formats
TECH TIP: ReportBuilder Image Support ReportBuilder natively supports Bitmap (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), Metafile (.wmf, .emf), Gif (.gif), and Icon (.ico) image formats. PNG (.png) images are supported for Delphi 2009 or later. ReportBuilder has an open architecture that supports any TGraphic descendant. For example, for versions of Delphi earlier than Delphi 2007, ReportBuilder ships Full Article…
How To…Use the OnGetPictureEvent
Question “How can I use the DBImage.OnGetPicture event to conditionally display a default image? For example, some records in my dataset have any empty image field.” Solution The following examples uses the DBImage.OnGetPicture event to conditionally display a default image. Download: Delphi code sample: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FDefaultPicture := TPicture.Create; // load the Full Article…