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Draw Command Architecture

TECH TIP: Draw Command Architecture Page Objects When a report prints it generates Page objects. Each Page object contains an array of DrawCommand objects (Page.DrawCommands[]) that describe what needs to be rendered for the page. Report –> Pages.DrawCommands[] —> Device (Printer, Screen, ..) –> final output DrawCommands Objects Component –> DrawCommand Each TppComponent generates a  Full Article…


DataAware Component

TECH TIP: How to Make a Data-Aware RB Component Publish the DataPipeline and DataField properties. These are declared in the ancestor class TppPrintable (ppPrnabl.pas). Override the public IsDataAware function from TppPrintable class to return True. function TmyDBComponent.IsDataAware: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; Override the public Notify method from the ancestor to redraw the design  Full Article…


TeeChart General Info

ReportBuilder includes TeeChart wrapper components that enable TeeChart to be used within the Report Designer. For an example see RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr. Open the project main form and read the directions at the top. For an end-user example, see RBuilder\Demos\EndUser\Report Explorer\EndUser.dpr. Again, open the main form and read the directions at the top of the form for  Full Article…