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How To…Create a Master Detail Chart

Question “How do I display a different chart for each (master) record in my report?” Solution The DBTeeChart component will automatically traverse the entire dataset it is connected to.  This means that if you place a chart component inside the detail band of your main report, connected to a dataset, it will display the same  Full Article…


How To…Create a Chart in Code

Question “How do I create a TeeChart inside my report completely in code?” Solution Begin by creating a TppTeeChart object and adding it to the report.  Then leverage the TppTeeChart.Chart property to add Series objects to the chart. The key to being successfull at creating charts in code is to include the proper TeeChart units  Full Article…


How To…Chart As Image

Question “How do I show a TeeChart created on a form as an image on a report?” Solution Use the TeeChart routine TeeCreateMetafile to export the chart to an image then assign it to a TppImage on a report. Download: Sample Delphi code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lMetaFile: TMetaFile; lRect: TRect; begin lRect.Left :=  Full Article…