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How To…Chart As Image

Question “How do I show a TeeChart created on a form as an image on a report?” Solution Use the TeeChart routine TeeCreateMetafile to export the chart to an image then assign it to a TppImage on a report. Download: Sample Delphi code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lMetaFile: TMetaFile; lRect: TRect; begin lRect.Left :=  Full Article…


How To…Change the TeeChart Language

Question “How do I change the language translation for the TeeChart editor?” Solution TeeChart contains built in translations that can be enabled by including the proper units in your application, then registering them using the routines available in teh TeeTranslate unit.  Take a look at the \Lib directory located inside your TeeChart root install directory  Full Article…


How To…Calc Chart Pos Clicked

Question “How can I calculate the x,y position of the chart when clicked in the viewer?” Solution The can be accomplished by implementing the Chart.OnDrawCommandClick event to convert the mouse position to chart coordinate space. Download: procedure TForm1.ehTeeChart_DrawCommandClick(Sender, aDrawCommand: TObject); var lViewer: TppViewer; lCursorPos: TPoint; lDrawCommandPos: TPoint; lChartPos: TPoint; begin // get reference to  Full Article…