Question: “Do you incur any performance penalty by using the RAP interpreter?” Answer: The penalties are negligible. This is due to the fact that RAP is what we call a hybrid interpreter. While it is, in fact, an interpreter, it is actually working as a pass-through to compiled code. Thus, when the interpreter encounters an Object Full Article…
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Question: “What is RAP?” or “What is the difference between RB Pro and Enterprise?” ReportBuilder Enterprise includes a run-time Pascal environment called RAP. RAP enables developers and end-users to code without Delphi. RAP code can be used to add calculations and event-handlers to reports. “Why use RAP? or “Why would I use that?” Reports coded with Full Article…
How To…Modify RAP Programs in Code
Question “How do I modify existing RAP code without using the code workspace (i.e. in Delphi code)?” Solution Use the raGetCodeModule() routine to gain access to the code module object then loop through each program and global program using the Programs and AllGlobalPrograms lists. Access the actual RAP code using the TraProgram.Source property. Download: Full Article…