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How To…Dynamic Variables in RAP

Question “Is it possible to dynamically create multiple variables based on my data via RAP code?” Solution Use a TList object in RAP to keep track of each variable created in RAP. This way when you need to assign each value, you will have a reference to every variable you dynamically created. Use the OnCalc  Full Article…


How To…Create RAP Globals in Code

Question “How do I create a RAP Global Variable and assign it in the RAP OnGlobalCreate event in Delph code?” Solution Use the raGetCodeModule() routine to access the RAP code module in code and manually add a TraVarProgram and TraProgram object to create the variable and OnGlobalCreate event. Download: Download: Sample Delphi code:  Full Article…


Check for IsNull

TECH TIP: Checking for Null Data values The DataPipeline.FieldObjects[] array property provides access to the TppField objects. TppField has an IsNull boolean property. The notation is: DataPipeline.FieldObjects[‘FieldName’].IsNull Example: if Customer.FieldObjects[‘Addr1’].IsNull then   ShowMessage(‘field value is null’);