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There are two very simple and powerful techniques to extend the capabilities of RAP infinitely. These are summarized below and covered in more detail in the RAP.hlp online help. Demos and tutorials are installed to RBuilder\Demos\RAP. The tutorial text is located in RAP.hlp. RAP Pass-Through Functions These are functions that appear in the Language tab  Full Article…


Design-Time Pass-Through Functions

TECH TIP: Accessing Pass-Through Functions in Delphi Design-Time Question: “How do I make my pass-through functions available at design-time?” Since pass-through functions are registered with RAP by calling raRegisterFunction (typically in the Initialization section of a unit), to make your functions available at design-time we simply need to arrange to have the initialization section of your  Full Article…


Adding Support to Existing RTTI Objects

Question: “I notice that TppDataPipeline (or some other class) has a Next method (or some other member), but the RAP compiler doesn’t seem to recognize that method, are you going to add support for that?” Answer:  There are a number of class members which have not been added to RAP via the RTTI classes. We  Full Article…