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How To…Digitally Sign a PDF

Digitally Sign a PDF from Within ReportBuilder ReportBuilder 21+ includes support for automatically signing an exported PDF document with a valid digital certificate (signature). Background: The PDF file format supports the use of Digital Signatures to ensure a file has not been altered before it is received/viewed. The PDF document can be “signed” using a  Full Article…

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How To… Show Email Status

Question “Is there a way to show the status of a sent email” Solution Use the TppSMTPCustom.OnStatusChange event to retrieve various status updates from your email server or MAPI compatible email client.  This event can be accessed from the TppReport object by typecasting the TppReport.Email object as TppEmail. Sample Delphi code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin TppEmail(ppReport1.Email).SMTP.OnStatusChange := EmailStatusEvent;  Full Article…

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RB 21

Designer new Designer.AutoSave boolean property new Designer Win 10 per monitor High DPI improvements new TextFileName property editor to use DefaultFileDeviceType Enhanced High DPI – v2 Per Monitor DPI Windows 10 / Latest Delphi Virtual Image List (scaleable images) Form/Dialog save/load state Toolbars/ToolWindows RCL new PDFComponent  embed PDF documents in reports (similar to section subreport)  Full Article…

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