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TIFF Image Export

Exporting report to TIFF format images can be done in two ways. 1. Windows Imaging Component (Delphi 2010 or later) Delphi 2010 and later include Windows Imaging Component (WIC) support. This can be used to create and view numerous image formats including TIFF. In order to utilize this feature with ReportBuilder, add ppWICDevice to your  Full Article…


Image Device Fundamentals

The Image device descendents give the capability to easily export any report to various image formats which can be viewed using an image viewer or editor. Begin by setting the Report.AllowPrintToFile property to True to enable the Print To File section of the Print Dialog. The print dialog can be bypassed by setting the Report.DeviceType  Full Article…


How To…Export Gray Scale Jpegs

Question “Is is possible to export jpegs that are gray scaled?” Solution Use the Report.OnFileDeviceCreated event to configure the JPGDevice.Jpeg property. This Jpeg property is of type TJpeg, a Delphi VCL class. All of the image devices share this common architecture. The BmpDevice has a Bitmap property, the MetaFileDevice has a Metafile property, etc. Download:   Full Article…