Question “How do I customize the Open/Save To File dialogs?” Solution The Report.Template property has an OnCreateDialog event. The public event is defined as: property OnCreateDialog: TppDialogEvent read FOnCreateDialog write FOnCreateDialog; And the TppDialogEvent type is defined as: TppDialogEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; aDialog: TObject) of object; You can customize the TOpenDialog and TSaveDialog properties by Full Article…
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How To…Change Default Template Extension
Question “How do I change the default template extension in Open/Save dialogs?” Solution Use the following code to change the default file extensions which will be used when the open and save dialogs are created to load or save a template. Sample Delphi code: ppReport1.Template.FileExtension := '.mfe'; ppReport1.Template.FileFilter := 'My Format Extension (*.mfe)|*.MFE'; Substitute the Full Article…
Multi-Page Spanning
Question: “I have more data than will fit on one page width. How can I span multiple pages?” Solution: If you are creating a crosstab report, this is done automatically. However, for other types of reports, this must be done manually. Basically, we will create one section-style subreport for each page width we need to cover. Full Article…