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How To… Print Two Copies Per Page

Question “How do I print two copies of the same report on a single page?” Solution Use Fixed style subreports sized to exactly half the paper height inside the detail band of the report. If you would like any overflow to move to the next page, be sure to set the TraverseAllData property of the  Full Article…


Forcing Group Headers to Start on Odd Pages

Question: "I have a report that is printing duplexed and therefore I want to force the group headers to start on odd pages." Solution: Set the TppGroup.StartOnOddPage to True.  This option is also available in the Groups dialog in the report designer.

Forcing a Page Break

TECH TIP: Forcing a Page Break Question:  “How can I force a page break occur based upon a condition calculated at run-time.” The latest versions of ReportBuilder include a TppPageBreak component which may be placed anywhere inside a report and automatically force a page break.  This is the recommended method for forcing a page break  Full Article…