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Viewing 286 to 288 of 409 items

How To…Repeat Labels

Question “How can I print X number of labels for each record?” Solution This example shows how to use the DetailBand.BandsPerRecord property to print X number of labels for each record. Download: Sample Delphi code: procedure TForm1.ppDetailBand1BeforePrint(Sender: TObject); var liCount: Integer; begin {check BandsPerRecordCount, it resets to 1 when all bands for the prior  Full Article…


Adding Custom Labels to the Label Wizard

The ReportBuilder Label Wizard contains an extensible architecture that enables additional sets of labels to be created and registered. Creating new label sets is a very simple process. Open ppLabelDef.pas located in RBuilder\Source.This unit contains the TppLabelSet class which is the abstract ancestor class for all label sets. This class contains the necessary logic to  Full Article…


Suppress Group Footer When Only One Detail

When you are calculating totals in the group footer band, it is often useful to suppress the group footer band when only one detail band exists for the group.  This simplifies the format of the report, because it is unnecessary to repeat the same number twice (once in the detail band and once in the  Full Article…