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How To…Print Receipts

Question “How can use ReportBuilder to print receipts to a continous roll of paper?” Solution Receipts have a unique characteristic in that they typically print on a continuous roll of paper – there is no concept of page size. For continuous printing use title/summary bands and remove the header/footer. Size the detail band to print  Full Article…


Forms Emulation

Customers often ask how to include their pdf forms in ReportBuilder so they can do forms emulation like the tax form shown in one of the Developer’s Guide tutorials. The solution is convert the PDF to a metafile (WMF/EMF). A high quality metafile will contain a list of Windows GDI commands required to render the form to  Full Article…


How To…Start a Left to Right Column on a New Row

Question “How can I force each group to start at the beginning of a new row when using left-to-right columns?” Solution Inside the GroupFooter.AfterGenerate event, set the TppEngine.CurrentColumn property to -1. This will force the next column printed to be the 0 (first) position. Download: Sample Delphi code: procedure TForm1.ppGroupFooterBand1AfterGenerate(Sender: TObject); begin ppReport.Engine.CurrentColumn :=  Full Article…