Use PDFComponent to embed a PDF document in a report. This component behaves
like a section style subreport – starting on a new page and generating a
report page for each PDF page.
Key Properties
- PDFFileName – specifies PDF file
- PDFPassword – specifies password (if needed)
PDF Reader
This component requires a PDF Reader plug-in. The following plug-ins
are currently supported:
1. PDFium – open source PDF library produced by Google
- Default plug-in, installed with RB
- Requires pdfium.dll, installed with RB
- Add ppPDFReader_PDFium to ‘uses’ clause
- Deploy pdfium.dll with your .exe
2. WPViewPDF – Delphi PDF library produced by WPCubed.
- In testing this lbirary provides higher quality output
- Install WPViewPDF (registered or trial)
- Add ppPDFReader_WPViewPDF to ‘uses’ clause
- Deploy required binaries with your .exe