“How can I control session time out for my report server application?”
The Server and the WebTier both implement session management to speed performance. Sessions time out automatically due to inactivity.
The following properties can be used to control session time out:
Name | Description |
TrsServer.TimeOut | Specifies the time, in seconds, that a session can remain open on the server without receiving a client request. If a session is idle for TimeOut seconds then the session will be freed by the server. If the server receives additional requests from the client for the session, a new session will be created and the appropriate response returned. |
TADOConnection.CommandTimeOut | When using ADO connectivity, use CommandTimeout to specify the number of seconds before an attempt to execute a command is considered unsuccessful. |
TrsWebTier.ServerConnection.TimeOut | Indicates the number of seconds to wait for a server response before timing out. |
TrsWebTier.SessionOptions.SessionTimeOut | The number of seconds that a web tier session can remain inactive until it expires. Expired sessions are deleted by the web tier garbage collector. |
TrsClientReport.ServerConnection.TimeOut | Indicates the number of seconds to wait for a server response before timing out. |